Admitting that you’re in need of mental health services can be difficult. However, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of your mental health! Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and ignoring things like emotional issues or family conflicts will only cause you to become more stressed and upset over time.
Have you been looking for compassionate, knowledgeable mental health professionals? You can find them at our mental health outpatient counseling center in Levittown, PA. Whether you’re struggling with emotional issues, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse disorder, or something completely different, we’re prepared to meet you where you’re at to help you change your life for the better!
Regardless of your level of experience with therapy, we offer individual therapy in Levittown, PA, so you can overcome your struggles and reach your full potential — or just make it through another day. If you’ve recently experienced a loved one passing away, grief and loss counseling might be best suited for you. If you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse, you might want to look into substance addiction therapy. You can even work with a counselor to resolve poor communication habits and get along better with your spouse or partner. Because your therapy goals are yours to decide, the sky’s the limit when it comes to what you can work on!
Blending families? Going through a divorce? Experiencing increased family conflict or dealing with oppositional behaviors? If your family situation is changing, you might benefit from family therapy in Levittown, PA.
Teenagers can be moody and rebellious — but this behavior shouldn’t be written off as “just kids being kids.” Sometimes, that exterior hides real problems that your teen is dealing with. Our teen therapy in Levittown, PA, helps teenagers understand and process their feelings during these challenging years of their life.
Hope Springs offers support group therapy in Levittown, PA, for a variety of life struggles and problems. Support groups can connect you to people in the same situation as you…yet have completely different life experiences and insights.
Many people find it easier to participate in drug and alcohol abuse therapy in a group setting. This is because many 12-step programs automatically build in support for group accountability and conversation. However, substance addiction group therapy is far from the only reason people visit our mental health outpatient counseling center in Levittown, PA. For instance, some individuals with eating disorders prefer group anorexia and bulimia treatment rather than one-on-one sessions.
Medication can be hugely helpful for many different mental health disorders. Many people find that their medication is the most effective when paired with therapy (such as cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, or reality therapy). If you’re looking for a holistic treatment approach that combines therapy services and psychiatric services in Levittown, PA, look no further than Hope Springs!
Looking for something specific at our mental health outpatient counseling center in Levittown, PA? Here are a few different therapy services you can find at Hope Springs:
Levittown, PA, is a working-class town with a population of almost 50,000. Located just a short 40-minute drive from the big city of Philadelphia, it’s a great mix of the urban and the suburban for folks looking for a place to settle down. We see many patients at our mental health outpatient counseling center from Levittown, PA, since we’re located not too far away!
Something as simple as scheduling drug and alcohol abuse therapy or family therapy can change your life for the better if you’re willing to work with professionals to truly get to the root of your problems. Don’t wait to get help — you deserve the peace of mind that counseling services can bring. Contact us today and speak to one of our compassionate and experienced staff members about our therapy services in Levittown, PA!
Admissions, the provisions of services, and referrals of clients shall be made without regard to race, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin (including limited English proficiency), age, or sex. Program services shall be made accessible to eligible persons with disabilities through the most practical and economically feasible methods available. These methods include, but are not limited to, equipment redesign, the provision of aides, and the use of alternative service delivery locations. Structural modifications shall be considered only as a last resort among available methods. Any individual/client/patient/student (and/or their guardian) who believes they have been discriminated against, may file a greivance with: